Happy Birthday, You.
Dear you,
Little did I know that I’d spent some chapters of my life with you. No, I didn’t see you coming, sliding into my DM on that December noon. All of those late-night talking, the inside jokes we shared, the tears we shed, the joy we had. All of the longing and yearning. Trust me, I didn’t see all of those coming, not in the slightest.
We weren’t the perfect couple. We have flaws, much of it. We fight like wild cats, the wildest even. We were wounded, scratched, hurt. Yet, the bond has not gone any weaker.
Years passed, candles blew out, cake sliced or piles of sushi because I know you’re not a big fan of any sweet and sugar-y cuisine. You were born today, 23 years ago. Since that day, you’ve grown. Life has taught you lessons to learn. Thus far, there is more to unfold, too much to count even. But, worry not, you are not alone this time. You have me by your side. I don’t mind being a forever learner. Moving from one page to another, sailing the world of words, the ocean of ink with you.
As I’m writing, the clock on the corner of my screen is showing 23:52, I have 8 minutes to publish this. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what to write. There are so many things that I want to say to you, so little time. Crap, it’s 23:54 now. I need to finish this ASAP.
Happy birthday, you. May the years ahead be filled not just with adventurous journeys and precious memories to remember, but also mistakes and wrong choices because sometimes you need to take the wrong turn to find the right path to walk on.